Pos Logistics Indonesia provides export import solutions for goods shipping or cargo services, with direct or consolidated air transportation modes. Every movement of your goods from the warehouse (both exporters/importers) to the loading airport until the final destination will be monitored using point-to-point close shipment monitoring methods by maximizing our overseas network.
International Ocean Freight
Pos Logistics Indonesia provides export import solutions for goods shipping or cargo services, using either direct or consolidated LCL / FCL sea transportation modes. Every movement of your goods from the warehouse (both exporters/importers) to the loading port until the final destination will be monitored using point-to-point close shipment monitoring methods by maximizing our overseas network.
Customs Clearance
Pos Logistics Indonesia provides customs service solutions between the customs and customers (both importers and exporters) through a reliable, precise, and efficient process using IT infrastructure in all sea and air ports in the customs area of the Republic of Indonesia.